Posts filed under: Travel

What´s HAPPENING: 3 Daily Habits While Living Abroad

Our heels clicked on the pavement of Serrano Street as we rolled in laughter. It wasn’t even that funny. It just felt good to laugh. “And then…” *gasp* “…we have...

Top 10 Questions on Studying Abroad

Top 10 Questions on Studying Abroad...

The Malta Travel Guide: The Perfect Inexpensive Weekend Trip

Have you ever considered going to Malta? Neither did I…until we saw how cheap and expensive the trip could be. Here is the perfect Malta travel guide for an inexpensive...

Planning a Day Trip to Sintra (Portugal Day 2)

“Obrigada,” I wispered for the umteenth time as the waitress staked another plate of steaming-cinnamon-topped-custard-tarts precariously on top of our already full breakfast table. If anything were to make getting...

Student Travel Guide to Lisbon (Day 1)

How do you travel as a college student? Is it possible to not blog all your savings on a weekend trip? Yes! Here is the ultimate student travel guide to...