Freshman year is hard…but crucial to your college career. The habits you instill and the mindset you take sets your course for success. Here are a few tips on how to succeed as a college freshman.

There is nothing wrong with dabbling.

Social media has engrained in my head the false reality of perfection. Does anyone else feel this? Whether it’s starting a small handcraft business or mastering the latest Tik Tok, social media has promoted a level of perfection and dedication that prohibits people from dabbling in new hobbies.

Looking back on my freshmen year at college, I have learned this: It is better to try a million things and find only two you like rather than try nothing and go nowhere.

So let’s talk. How do you learn to dabble?

  1. Go to events you’re not invited to

One evening I decided to accompany my friend to her model practice. I wanted to get behind the scenes of the show, take some photos for fun, and see how the show was run. If they kicked me out, so be it. I ended up introducing myself to the media coordinator, and before I knew it, I landed a photography position at Liberty University’s Annual FACS Fashion show. I’m new to photography but they were interested.

Don’t be afraid to just go.

Read more on how to do this, here!

2. Say YES… especially if it scares you

Look for little internships. Say yes to small gigs. I decided to jump at a social media coordinating internship for LU’s Club Cycling team.

Do I have experience running sports social medias? No.

Do I know anything about cycling? Well, they ride bikes.

Was the first meet an absolute disaster? Yes. (I was in a car and they out biked me.)

But I grew. I learned photography skills. I learned how about the ins-and-outs of media creators. It even led to a senior photography gig.

Say yes.

3. Be Okay with Failing

*Embarrassing* story time.

One sunny day in March, I decided to check out a new university club. I thought it was a Spanish club. However, halfway through the meeting, I realized is was the ALAS Club… or Association of Latin American Student Club. Guys, I’m a Michigander. I’m farther from Latin America than most Americans.

While at the moment I wanted to curl into a ball and die, this so called “failure” resulted in a hilarious story, a toughening experience, and a few new friends.

Not everything you try will work out. Be okay with failing. Most of the time, “failing” will result in more positives than negatives.

This year has grown me immensely. If you’ve viewed my Instagram, you may have noticed that photography became my latest hobby. Am I perfect at it? Absolutely not. But do I love it? Yes! So why not go for it?

There are some exciting things coming up! I am excited to get past exams and start sharing them with you.