Downloading the right collection of apps before you leave for your study abroad experience is crucial. From travel, to communication, to safety and enjoyment, the right apps will make your experience and transition easier. From my many travels, here are my essentials.


The €12 overnight bus from Madrid to Lisbon is an iconic study abroad memory. As a college student, few things are as exhilarating as texting your mom a photo of you and your friends at a gas station during the 2am pit stop in the middle of the Spanish countryside.

If you’re looking for this type of adventure–which you should be–Flixbus is the way to go.


If you plan to travel the European train system, Omnio is crucial. You can purchase your ticket through the app which makes the experience simple. Tip: Get the app early and purchase tickets in advance to get them cheap(er)!

Cabify (Spain and Latin America Only)

If you’re used to Uber, Cabify is your perfect alternative. The night before my 6am flight back to the states, I scheduled a Cabify to pick me up at 3am. It was a bit cheaper than Uber and worked seamlessly.


Everyone rages about WhatsApp and I finally understand why. It can be used internationally, send messages seamlessly between different phone users, and not rack up costs.

SpanishDictionary (or another language app)

This one is not a surprise. If you are in a foreign country, make sure you have a dictionary handy. For the Spanish language, I prefer SpanishDictionary. Unlike many apps, SpanishDictionary provides information on local slayings and jargon.

Alert Traveler

Alright, I admit it. My University forced me to get this app. However, I highly recommend it. The app provides you with up-to-date news on your city and safety alerts about riots, strikes, and attacks. While you hope not to need it, it’s great to have.

Apple Maps

Fair warning–this will zap your data. However, Apple Maps saved me my first few weeks living in Madrid. Not only can you see this city, but you can see the metro and bus routes. If you’re as worried as I was about learning the bus and metro systems–don’t be.


Finding cheap flights is hard these days, but not impossible. I was able to snag a few cheap ones through Vueling.


EasyJet is another airline app. Don’t be too surprised by the ticket prices…they are cheap for a reason. Don’t expect crystal glasses of champagne during your flight (or any water at all, actually), but EasyJet takes you from point A to B at a low cost.


*Sigh* Music mends and hugs the soul. It’s okay to listen to your favorite music on days you miss home, but don’t forget to discover cultural or local music. To this day, I have playlists from each trip that take me back in time.

Where are you going? Let me know so I can live vicariously through you!