Fashion does not have to be difficult. Or expensive. It can be easy. Here are 3 Practical Fashion Hacks you can apply today.

When I look at my closet in the morning, I have one question:

What outfit can I wear all day long, feel great in, and transform to fit every occasion?

Being in college, I have no time to run back to my dorm between classes, meals, clubs, or the library. I often leave my dorm at 9am and don’t return until 11pm. That’s 14 hours of wearing the same thing.

So how do I decide what to wear?

I have taken to implementing what I call the Three Piece Rule. I always wear a top, a skirt or jeans, and then an extra! Today, the extra was my favorite herringbone varsity jacket. Sometimes it’s a layered sweater, my favorite blazer, a button down–or *gasp*– a sweatshirt. (It was on discount at the school library, okay?)

In addition to making your life easier, wearing three pieces is also a fashion trick. The additional cut and texture of a third layer provides an extra flare and cohesiveness to your look. In other words, the third piece takes your style game to a whole new level!

Do you have any practical fashion hacks I should try?