It’s not what you know, it’s who you know, right?

Networking is essential in the real world. According to the Wall Street Journal, as least 40% of new hires come from referrals. As students, we understand the importance of a degree. However, it is easy to forget the importance of forming business relationships.

But where to start? Should I run wildly around my cafeteria, throwing resume paper airplanes, and ensuring every person trying to peacefully eat there chicken sandwich remembers my name?

While this would be very daring (please send me a video if you try that,) it isn’t necessary. Let me take you through three steps I have used to build my network in college.

Step 1: Overcome the fear of failure

Networking is scary. You have to introduce yourself to new people. But remember: the fear of making a mistake will only hinder you from making progress.

One day in 7th grade I made a decision. I was tired of being shy. I was sick of being quiet. But I was afraid of doing something stupid. Laughable. Silly. Yet this fear was limiting me from excelling. What was hindering me was my inability to laugh at myself. If you are like I was, remember this: It is better to trip up than to hinder yourself from success. Meet people. Be yourself. Be kind. If someone is rude, that isn’t your problem, it is theirs.

Step 2: Make them remember you

Once you begin meeting people, make sure they remember you.

Top Three Networking Tools

  • Business Cardsfast and easy networking that looks incredibly professional
  • LinkedIn most popular online, networking site used by most companies
  • Hard-copy Resumenecessary for career fairs and job applications
I used Canva for my cards! They are inexpensive but high quality. In other words– they are low investment with high return! (Pardon the business jargon)

Step 3: Get Involved

Go to clubs. Events. Workshops. These events will introduce you to people who are also looking to network. I have never met anyone at a business club meeting who didn’t want to exchange a LinkedIn. That’d be weird.

Top Three Event Tips

  • Never leave a room without meeting one new person
  • Meet the speaker
  • Always sit with a new group of people

P.S. Do not forget a firm handshake and eye contact!

At the end of the day, remember that people are people. Meet as many as you can. Be kind. Demonstrate how you are unique– because you are. It takes practice, but the more you do it, the easier it comes.