The college lifestyle is comprised of many things: Target runs. Coffee. Finding free YouTube tutors. Coffee. Walking (running!) to class. And coffee.

But, for Emily Hammond, it also means running her own business, The PodScout. Tucked away in our school’s library, we discussed her story as an entrepreneur. From her wise words– to her funny motivation tricks–I walked away from our meeting inspired. Allow me to introduce a rising entrepreneur:

Did you always want to be an entrepreneur?

Yes. When I was a kid, I always wanted to be an illustrator. I looked up to these people who did basically everything– they had their own line of books, freelanced, and basically built their own businesses. I never really realized as a kid that it was entrepreneurship.

What is the The PodScout?

My brother and I started The PodScout to help business professionals connect to podcast hosts. The process can be difficult, but podcasts are a great way to network and get your message out there. We connect you with the best podcasts for your expertise. Now you can focus on what matters most to you.

Is this your first business?

No. When I was thirteen, I started my own Etsy shop and drew logos. I would go to networking events with my older sister and present my business to a room full of adults. I was so nervous! “A bunch of these people don’t even know what they’re doing,” they would reassure me. “And you’re thirteen… that in itself is amazing. “

What made you want to work for yourself rather than others?

I worked a few retail jobs and they had managing styles I didn’t like. So I decided to start my own company. I can set the tone for what happens; I can set the values. As a Christian in business, you think differently. My brother and I have ethics we stand by in our Christian lives which translate to The PodScout. If you’re a Christian, it needs to be evident in your business.

What scared you the most about starting your own business?

Being seen as “too young” and failing.

But being “too young” doesn’t mean anything. My sister reminds me that people don’t see you as you do. When I look in the mirror, I think, “Oh my gosh, I’m a 20-year-old kid that nobody’s gonna believe. They’re gonna think I’m inexperienced.” But I’m wrong. What they see is my LinkedIn. They see I’m an entrepreneur, a co-owner of PodScout, and a student in marketing and branding. They see the stuff I’ve done.

And the fear of failure? It’s just perspective. It just shows me what I won’t do next time.

Did you know you wanted to work with podcasts, or did you merely see an opportunity and jump at it?

Good question! Honestly, my brother and I saw the opportunity and went after it. People always need convenience– especially creatives and individuals in business. They have much more to think about.

Are you always motivated? What do you do if you’re not?

Motivation comes in highs and lows. Right now, I feel motivated to do everything. Sure, a person can’t do everything. But they can do the things that they make time for. Everybody has the same 24 hours in a day. I like to set a strict routine. I plan out what I’m going to do. If I don’t feel motivated– I clean. I have to get something done. Maybe it’s run for ten minutes. It’s baby steps. The little things prepare me for the big ones.

Does what you wear affect how you perform? What are your go-tos?

Absolutely! Think of famous entrepreneurs. Many of them had uniforms, and so do I. It allows me to think about other things but also feel good. I love a black turtle neck. Just think– Steve Jobs, Audrey Hepburn, and Cary Grant….It’s so classic! My Stan Smith’s are a must. (The green version to match my school supplies.) Oh– and high waisted trousers because I’m short.

If you were to give one piece of advice for someone who wants to start their own business, but is intimidated, what would it be?

Be ready to work. Hard.

Stay organized.

Ask yourself, would you do this for free? Because if you would do it for free–if you love it that much–you’ll have no problem doing it for money.

Discover more about the The PodScout on LinkedIn and their website.